144 pages, 21x27.5cm, soft cover

ISBN 0-91 1858-38-5 


an historical survey
book, written by Clive Hart, published 1967 and 1982
This cover is the second edition of this book.
It was so much disappointing when I first read this book that aerial photography was hardly half a page. Hart wrote: "Photography from aeroplanes has made the technique outmoded". Furthermore his kap historical survey is not correct.
In fact it is well known now since the investigation of KAPWA that the information on the invention of kite aerial photography given in this book had not been verified by the author. From "seems have been the work of..." page 171 it becomes a certainty in the chronology page 190. Unfortunately this wrong assessment has been copied everywhere since.
This book is not a fair survey of the history of kites. Some periods, some countries, some people have the priority. Others remain as footnote or are missing. The origins, China is 10 pages; Other Eastern kites is 17 pages; the Pacific is 11 pages.  Then there are 124 pages on Europeans and western kites.
It is annoying also that several facts or important kiters are not reported.
Obviously this book is more in the line of identical topics already discussed in other books by the author than being a fair and comprehensive history of kites and its applications.
Nevertheless the bibliography listed within 14 pages is one of the most complete that could be found. It's just a pity that the contents are not in accordance with such an account and that the title doesn't correspond to what exactly is this book.