Pole photography conditions
Of course we will not operate pole photography when it's raining.
 The other restriction is when wind raises and becomes too strong. Holding a pole vertically when the wind blows over 5 m/s is really difficult.
Preliminary checks
Before to start the assembly of the long pole, prepare and check all the equipment: cable, camera set on the cradle, control box, batteries, ....
Pole assembly
For pole assembly it is necessary to find a place where nobody will walk over it.
Connect the sections.
Insert the cable, with the pole inclined down so it is easier to push it through. I usually insert it 3 sections to the top and other sections to the bottom and then connect both when the cable has run thoroughly .
Put the control box and the cradle on the pole.
Connect the cable on the control box and on the cradle.


 Stand up the pole

The toe of the pole shall be retained against a stone, a pavement, a tree ...
Walk towards the bottom end and stand up the pole  
When the pole is vertical, lift it and put it in the belt holder.
 Let it go
Do a short test to be sure all is working OK.


  Now see how easy it is
to walk around and shot pictures!
Adjust the position of the viewer
To bring the pole back do the stand down procedure in reverse order of the stand up procedure.