Having one day encountered the problem to frame and center in a relying way an archeological area, I realized that it was ont so easy. Later, even with the video feed-back, the need for a well positioned rig was found necessary for the vertical shots.
On thinking it during some years, it comes out to the tie-bar here described, which is finally simple. With a good spotting of the wind direction, and with some geometry, it is very easy.
Start to launch the kite and tie the line at A.
This device is made of one 330mm long bar, hung to the kite line A-B with a strand. To each end of the bar are fixed the side lines C and D which must be enough far away one from the other.
On the drawing, look at the lines shown white:
The side lines are in fact only one cord. I tie to the ground the end C, I unwind the necessary length until the bar and I come near A. With a lark knot, I put a swivel on this line, then a second one 400mm further. I continue to unwind an equal length of line until D and I tie it to the ground.
The hooking point A must be distant enough. The swivels are hooked on each end of the bar. The bar is then hung on the line near A. The camera cradle is fixed on the bar.
The ascending maneuver can start , releasing line gradually. Care must be given to the side lines which must be kept tight, otherwise, the cradle could twist, and wind up the two side lines around it.
Now the rig is hung as shown with the colored lines.