Radio remote control of pan and tilt orientations.
Radio remote control of shutter release.
Video link.
Thwarping pendulum.
Frame "portrait".
For Konica Hexar only.
The craddle itself weights 200g.
The total weight of the rig is 1160g with the suspension, the craddle, the Konica Hexar, and video.
The suspension comprises the holding bar, the pendulum, the stabilizing bow.
The craddle comprises the hoop, the radio unit
Built in1994, this craddle has really been built around the Konica Hexar. End 1998, the tilt system was dismounted (indirect drive with gear wheels) and changed for a cog-wheel system.
The radio unit is placed aside, leaving free space for any view from above.
Since a new multi-orientation craddle was built (tit PMRV), this one has been scarcely used.
1 video  transmitter
2 video camera
3 12V battery pack for video
4 radio remote control unit